#1 Breat of fire =30 sec recharge, 12 fire magic+2 glyphs(i understand GoLE) isnt that good tbh.
#2. you are a monk, you have perfect healing and smiting abilities, no need to go fetch dps from other proffessions.
To borrow this thread, I've been doing WoC with an Icy Veins necro and borrowed a 12 spec'd Spirit Rift from my secondary. I was perusing though various spammable AoE skills and Spirit Rift seemed to pack the most punch against balled up, relatively stationary mobs. So he just wants to blow things up with his monk (and not heal), he might consider that option. Definitely better than Breath of Fire.
Thank you for undestood my build, YES I do the most of AoE damaged and so far it works great, I will post my heroe builds later. Some people thinks monk should heal but not in this case, I like to see what is going on around me and my heroes. I usually stay back behind wall of minions/spirits. I hate micro heroes
I would honestly stay more within the smiting line.
I have done WoC HM on most professions now, and for a monk I would probably run something like this: -> roj -> technobabble->ebon sin support ->optional x 5
Tactics wise its a basic lay out I have used on caster characters.
ebon sin balls, technobabble rupts, and roj nukes the crap out of the group.
Works even better if you bring binding chains on a Rit.
Optionals: possibly auspicious incantation+arcane echo for more roj and e-managment